Educate yourself in A4!

As you probably already know, A4 is organization focused on contemporary art and culture. Besides preparing concerts, theatre and dance performances, cinema screenings, workshops, festivals and more, A4 tries to prepare a quality educational programme to support the existence of the arts programme.

Activities which we prepare on regular basis:

Since 2015 we have been organising fine art workshops for children led by a visual artist Monika Pascoe Mikyšková. These worskhops have 2 parts, 1 theoretical concerning art-history and one practical where children create pieces connected to that art-history topic. In 2017 we have organised theoretical classes about fine art history for adults, as a reaction to parents interest in their children workshops.

We also organise special screenings for schools. We focus on either art topics or other social topics. Screenings are quite often followed by a discussion with students. Secondary school students had also opportunities to join our film and music workshops or workshop of theatre critique.

We also try to educate our adult visitors. In the past, there have been several workshops and lectures, concerning mainly the connection of arts and new media. This year, we have introduced series of lectures about the philospohy of media and a series of workshops of sound programming in the Supercollider programmming language. We regularly organise or host debates on current social issues, particularly the culture policies changes of which we are often initiators.

In the last two years we have started with two new presentation series - Teasing and Musique Non-stop, together within our colleagues from the Projekt Batyskaf. Teasing is an event which connects music listening followed by a discussion with musicians or people who make music for living. Musique Non-stop is a presentation event focused on various music genres and each session is dedicated to one special genre.

Educational programmes are also part of many events which we host at the A4 but they are organised by other associations or individuals. A4 is a member of Trans Europe Halls as well. There was created platform refering to arts education programmes within this project. You can find out more about this project here.
